- Learning to appreciate others and taking the time to do good
- Majoring in Computer Science & Studio Art at UNC-CH
- Probably playing soccer, admiring art, or doing computer projects
- Lived in Springfield, OH but now I stay in Durham, NC
Personal Website (HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery)
Created a personal website that implemented css, html, javascript, and JQuery.
Currently updating from more primitive version created last year.
Can be found at one)
2D Zombie Shooter Game (Java)
Created a shooter game in Eclipse which used Java Swing.
Game had
implementations of rounds, health bars, and sprite movement based on trigonometric
functions sin, cos, tangent.
Gameplay and layout is similar to box head (online
shooter game).
Currently in private repository will make public. git here
Analysis of Top 100 Songs (R/Python)
Analyzed a list of top 100 spotify songs of 2018.
Using properties, such as loudness,
acoustic, duration, etc provided by spotify I was able to discern notable
characteristics of a top 100 song.
Html file linked here: